15 August 2012

GEO - A Personal Security You CAN Count On

Worried about your loved ones? Not sure where they are? Want assurance they are all alright? Well, GEO has the answers! 

GEO is a small device that fits perfectly into pockets and allows one to locate another using our specially designed app, GEO Manager. Despite the size, GEO is reliable yet accurate, hence you can be rest assured it does its job well. 

GEO is suitable for all ages, ranging from the young-lings, to the elderly. Not only that, it works as a tracking device in case if your car gets stolen, or even pets! (Sounds a little like Total Recall if you watched it, but yeah.. that's how "pretty" the device is!)

As shown below is the mentioned GEO Manager, which helps with you calling and locating the personal security device. Looks decent isn't it? 

Key Features? Check em out here! 

So, if you're one who's concern about personal security, this is a must have! 
Available now for only RM 399 via M3Shoppe.com! 

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